Support Us

Thank you for helping to fund our chorus! 

At this year's Sweet Adelines International Region 17 competition, we won 2nd place in division AA and 3rd place overall. At 2023 International Harmony Classic, we won the Most  Entertaining award & 3rd place in Division A. 
Your generous donations helped us with these achievements! Future donations will be used to help us continue to improve our skills and share our love of music with our community.

You can donate via a credit card through PayPal.  You don't have to have a PayPal account; just enter your credit card and billing information when asked and confirm the payment.  If instead you'd rather donate by check, you can do so via any Voices in Harmony Member or by mailing a check to Voices in Harmony Chorus, PO Box 970597, Ypsilanti, MI 48197.  




Nothing makes donating easier than PayPal. Just click the button below and donate directly to Voices in Harmony Chorus using your debit or credit card. Voices in Harmony Chorus is a 501c3 non-profit educational organization and your donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Donate now via PayPal!



Hire Us!  

To do what we do best: perform! If you have an event coming up, let us help you make it special with barbershop harmony and our own unique brand of fun!



When you are shopping online, enter the IGive website first. Purchase from a vast variety of online stores and a percentage of your purchase will be donated to the chorus. Register online at and search for “Voices in Harmony Chorus”.



A percentage of the cost of your purchases will be donated to the chorus. Register online at Our organization is ”Voices in Harmony” and our account number is XB141.  You’ll need your Kroger Plus Card number to register. At the register you’ll need to swipe your Kroger Plus Card or enter your telephone number for the rewards. You can obtain a Plus card at the store. If you’ve misplaced your Plus card call (877) 576-7587 to obtain the number.

Great Lakes SCRIP (Members Only)
This is an opportunity to fundraise for yourself as well as the chorus. Purchase gift cards and receive a discount. The first 1% of the discount is allocated to the chorus. The remainder goes into a fundraising escrow account for you to use towards your chorus expenses including dues, costume fees, chorus dinners, harmony weekend expenses and contest expenses. IRS regulations require that the discounts be used solely for chorus expenses. Contact Kay Stone to get details and get signed up. Order forms are available on our website or from Kay.  Visit the Great Lakes SCRIP website to see the vast variety of stores and restaurants participating and the discounts they offer.  
Your family and friends can also participate for our benefit in AmazonSmile, Kroger Community Rewards and IGive. Every little bit helps! 


Copyright © 2025 Voices In Harmony Chorus